- Log on to the computer that has the printer attached to it.
- Click to open Advanced sharing settings.
- Click the chevron to expand the current network profile.
- Under File and printer sharing, click Turn on file and printer sharing, and then click Save changes. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
- If you have password-protected sharing turned on, people will need a user account with a password on your computer to access your printer.
- Click to open Network.
- Double-click the icon for the computer that has the printer attached to it.
- Double-click the icon for the printer. Windows will automatically add the printer to your computer and install the printer driver.
NB : Segala sesuatu yang saya bagikan di blog Irwan Bloggers Community ini sepenuhnya bukan berasal dari pola pemikiran saya atau bersumber dari saya sendiri, melainkan dari berbagai media!